Want the chance to open up whole new experiences, opportunities & adventures in life?  Get more education. There are some low cost options. Almost free sometimes.
University Course: In Canada, some are offered free or almost free to seniors; to people past a certain age. Some of the low cost or free courses are online, for those who can access them on a computer. Do a few searches on this topic, or perhaps ask someone (at a public library?) to help you start a few searches for the info.

MOOCs and Some Other Lower Cost Online Education opportunities:

MOOC, one definition:  A massive open online course (MOOC) is a free web-based distance learning program that is designed for large numbers of geographically dispersed students.
Education; using a computer. Might be taught from far away.  Or from close by. 

Another example:  I recently completed an online MBA program over about 15 months during (covid) working from home years (e.g. in the evenings during time that used to be spent commuting home…). The MBA program I completed was not free, but the cost to me was only a small fraction (think it cost less than $1k) of what it might cost to complete an MBA while attending bricks & mortar buildings on a campus. The online education company’s stated purpose was/is to “democratize business education” by making it much more affordable & accessible.

If not a senior in age yet, it is still sometimes possible to study some university courses online for free (on many subjects, being taught by professors from most major universities of the World); e.g. try taking a look at the www.edx.org website. Last I knew, could then take quite a few of the courses for free & at the end of the course you could choose to pay (a relatively small fee) only if you wished to receive a credential certificate for the course. I live in Canada, and I was taking a course online from a university in Australia.

If you can, and you choose to, enrich yourself with further education, I predict that it will only enhance your life.

signed,  “Lifelong Learner”